Penerapan Metode Servqual Pada Skala Likert Untuk Mendapatkan Kualitas Pelayanan Kepuasan Pelanggan

Muryan Awaludin, Hari Mantik, Fadli Fadillah


It is very important to identify and fulfill customer requirements with the highest possible quality. Several tools, methods and techniques have been used to assess service requirements and quality. ServQual is one of the most widely used quality tools to measure service quality. Based on the research results, analysis of customer satisfaction using the ServQual method on object A has been carried out which includes service quality, product quality and customer complaints to produce an ideal analysis value. On the service quality dimension, the gap results are obtained that are still not satisfactory enough on the service quality dimension on object A, but from the Empathy dimension it is quite satisfying with the acquisition of Tangible = -0.0877, Reliability = -0.0965, Responsiveness = -0.079, Assurance = - 0.0877, and Empathy = 0.17544. In the dimension of service quality, the results of the gap are that the product quality of Object A is very satisfying for the user, but from the Reliability dimension it is not satisfactory enough with the acquisition of Performance = 0.175439, Durability = 0.105263, Specification = 0.105263, Features = 0.105263, Reliability = -0.1579, Aesthetics = 0.192982, Perceived quality = 0.36842. On the dimensions of user complaints, the gap results show that user complaints are not satisfactory with the acquisition of customer complaints = -0.16667.

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