o realize food self-sufficiency in Indonesia, it needs to be supported by effective distribution of subsidized
fertilizer. The main causes of ineffective distribution of subsidized fertilizers are irregularities, weak oversight
from implementing institutions and weak community control. Likewise, the aspects of transparency and
information disclosure in the chain of subsidized fertilizer implementation are also still weak. So far, the
regulations governing the mechanism for implementing subsidized fertilizer distribution policies are quite
adequate but their implementation is still weak. In this study a descriptive approach is used to explore and
describe the development of distribution as well as the strategies adopted to obtain more effective alternative
distribution of subsidized fertilizer. This study also compares the policy of distribution of subsidized fertilizers
in several countries. Based on the results of the study, several schemes or alternative distribution of subsidized
fertilizer are still needed in Indonesia. Irregularities occur because of errors in the collection of data "RDKK",
the distribution of subsidized fertilizers to unauthorized parties, the large volume of distribution, procurement
and distribution of subsidized fertilizers as well as the obstacles in calculating fertilizer subsidies. One
recommendation that can be submitted for the distribution of subsidized fertilizers effectively is that several
alternative channels can be implemented. One alternative for the distribution of subsidized fertilizers includes
the use of an electric card through "Gapoktan", distribution of fertilizer subsidies through the use of the Pupuk
Indonesia Mart kiosk and through direct distribution to fertilizer producers in Indonesia.
Keywords: fertilizer subsidy policy, distribution scheme, food self-sufficiency
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