Academic Information System Design School SMK PGRI 28 JAKARTA Based Website"SMK PGRI 28 JAKARTA is one of the institutions in education and academics. SMK PGRI 28 JAKARTA is urgently needing software designs that will guide and manage school activities. One of them is in terms of academic information system, at SMK PGRI 28 JAKARTA is still not yet well-integrated and well-integrated, so it still has many shortcomings in meeting the needs of the school, especially in dealing with academic issues.The approach used in the research is a structured approach that uses several tools and workmanship techniques, such as ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram), LRS (Logical Relational Structure). And the development model used is the Waterfall model. Where the Waterfall model is a sequence of activities performed in the development of systems ranging from problem-solving, needs analysis, implementation planning, integration, system testing, application and maintenance. This model offers a more precise way of making.With the implementation of academic information system design at SMK PGRI 28 JAKARTA which is client server by using PHP programming language and SQL database, it is hoped to facilitate in managing all academic data, without redundancy data and error in managing the data. So the school can achieve the goal that has been set to the maximum.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.35968/jsi.v6i1.285
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