Beyond of Business Correspondence

Sri Yanthy Yosepha


Business letter is very important thing that all people do in business. Especially,
business man or entrepreneur must know the kind of business letters and how to write
business letter for their business.
Letter-writing is an essential part of business. In spite of telephone, telex and
telegraphic communication the writing of letters continues, in fact most telephoned and
telegraphed communication have to be confirmed in writing.
The paper is done to write of kind of business letters such Introduction letter,
Appointment letter and Offer letter, so also discussed about how to write the business
letter and layout of letter.

Teks Lengkap:



Naterop, Bertha J. 1992. Business Letter

for All. IKIP Jakarta

Gartside, L. 2000. Model Business Letters.

Bina Rupa Aksara. Jakarta.

Flower, John. 2000. Business Vocabulary.

PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama.


Salim, Peter. 2000. Modern Business

Correspondence. Modern English

Press. Jakarta

Jones, Leo and Richard Alexander. 2000.

International Business English.

Cambridge. University Press

King, FW, 1988 Business letter, Longman,


Spooner, MD, 1979, Correspondence in

English, Thomas Nelson, Hongkong

Shirly, Taylor, 2005, Model English letters,

Indeks, Jakarta



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