Atik Budi Paryanti, Suryadarma University, November 2013, Influence Pattern Against Emotional
Intelligence Work and Organizational Culture, (Case study In STIKOM CKI Jakarta).
The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of work pattern and emotional intelligence on
organization culture at STIKOM CKI JAKARTA. The influence of emotional intelligence as an element of human
resources within an organization need to be reviewed and developed. Good working attitude needed to improve
organizational performance. A very significant in improving the performance of the organization to face the
challenges of global competition is through work pattern and emotional intelligence, the end goal is to make
continuous improvements in order to focus on customer pattern. With the above background, the researcher is
interested in doing research on human resources in STIKOM CKI JAKARTA, it is known that the organization has
implemented government management standards. There are three variables studied influence, namely: 1) work
pattern (X1), 2) emotional intelligence (X2), to 3) the organization culture (Y).
The method used in this study is a survey method with causal approach. Meanwhile, to analyze data about
whether or not the effect of one variable with another variable using path analysis (path analysis). Sample
collection technique is to use the technique of "probability sampling", ie the "simple random sampling", obtained
40 samples from all populations were available. Validity and reliability data for each variable using the Microsoft
Excel software, then performed the normality test, homogeneity and linearity test that analyzes the requirements
are met. The hypothesis was tested with SPSS Statistics software covering correlation test and regression test,
so it can perform comparison t test and F test on all variables studied.
From the analysis of X1 on Y obtained path coefficient (ρyx1) = 0.715 with t = 13.805 and the real level α = 0.05 is
obtained t table = 1.6849. Since the value of t count > t table, then reject Ho, hence path coefficient is significant,
it is evident that a positive work pattern directly influences the organization culture. X2 analysis of the Y values
obtained path coefficients (ρyx2) = 0.621 at t = 3.738 and the real level α = 0.05 is obtained t table = 1.6849. Since
the value of t count > t table, then reject Ho is thus very significant path coefficients, it is evident that the
emotional intelligence in a positive direct influence on organization culture. Analysis of X1 and X2 on Y obtained
coefficient of determination (rx1x2) = 0.933 with F = 184.361 count and the real level α = 0.05 and obtained F table
= 3.23. Since the value of F count > F table, then reject Ho is thus very significant path coefficients, it is evident
that the work pattern and culture in a positive direct influence on organization culture.
: influence, work pattern, emotional intelligence, organization culture
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