Corruption is a criminal act that breaks and against the state law and the religion law. Due to
the fact that this corruption is not only prohibited by the greatest one God but the effective
legislation rule as well. Furthermore, the corruption can bring about a loss to all side. For
instance; being able to make a misery society and country, locking the country economy
growth rapidity, putting in disorder country, being able to bring about a bad image for the
country on the international people’s view, in addition to, being able to cut down the country
thrust level on the international worl eithin doing cooperation, mainly in economy sector. Even
for further more, the corruption make afraid of all foreigner investors to invest their stock or
share in Indonesia.
On the other hand, the corruption can also induce the blocked project being carried out in
ourselves country as well as can hamper routine’s job of the country. Thus the corruption act
can become the cause of the stopped country advance or progress. As a final point, those
corruptors’ re properly given a punishment dealing with their deed. Even a great deal of
society group wish those corruptors to be killed out or be given as a death sentence or in other
words, at least is to be imposed as heavy as punishment in order to making them discourage
to redo their deed. As a matter of the fact, this is only an example for other people who want to
do what was done by the perpetrators before. In the long run, the corruption level can be
decreased in this our motherland’s country.
Keywords: the corrupt criminal act constitution, constituonal law, the effective
legislation rule, Islamic law, Al-Qur’an & Al-Hadist.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.35968/jmm.v6i2.552
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