Sistem Jaringan Internet Gateway Berbasis Dua Internet Service Provide

Agus Sugiharto


Increased the usage of the internet connections for bussiness comunication makes the
company must provide the large bandwidth and reliable for the connection.
While a connection having problem will makes crash for bussiness comunication of
company. The solution by adopted the internet connection from 2 different of ISP (Internet
Service Provider). And implementing a load balancing technique that is combine the
bandwidth of the two different ISPs and fail over techniques used to switch the connection
to another ISP when there is interference on one of the existing connections. From the
experience of the company's business disruption due failure of Internet connection since
using a single ISP and management will implement a multi-ISP internet connection to
ensure business continuity when one of Internet connection is disrupted.

Teks Lengkap:



Bradford, Russel.“The Art of Computer

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Hunt, Craig. “TCP/IP Network

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