Kinerja Efisiensi Industri Perbankan Indonesia: Bank Pembangunan Daerah
To achieve maximum benefit level, a company must be able to produce the optimal
output level with a certain number of inputs (technical efficiency) and produces output with the
right combination at a certain price level (allocative efficiency). The concept of efficiency
measurement can be viewed either with a focus on the input side (input-oriented) or focus on
the output side (output-oriented). The second approach is analogous to the concept of the
primal and dual operations research techniques, which are like two sides of a coin, so that the
two approaches will consistently produce the same conclusions about the relative efficiency of
a company to the relationship.
For BPD who are not able to achieve 100% efficiency rating, to achieve the maximum
value of the bank should increase total loan and total revenue portfolio. For the banks with
BPD, especially medium and small can take several policies to improve the efficiency of the
optimal performance, through economics of scale in operations and focus on lending to micro,
small and medium enterprises (SMEs). In addition, monetary authorities and government
should consider to from a Local Credit Guarantee Agency (LCGA). Credit guarantee is the
complement of a credit system and can serve as a substitution for collateral, despite subograsi
billing remains the duty of the creditor.
Keywords: EfficiencyBank, Regional Development Banks (BPD)
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