Crime is a problem faced by humans from time to time. Talking about crime, especially murder, continues to experience growth accompanied by style and shape are very diverse, from the most simple to very sophisticated. Sometimes the killing was done in ways that vicious as first tortured, burned and even mutilation. Becomes an interesting thing because mutilation is a murder followed by shredding the victim's body up into multiple parts made with the aim to destroy evidence. Not only that, the issue of sanctions against the perpetrators of criminal acts of mutilation murders under construction in the Indonesian criminal law there is no definite rules. Article which is often used as a legal basis for the criminal murder mutilation is Article 338, 340 and 351 Criminal Code with a maximum penalty of death, sometimes as an alternative to imprisonment. While the Islamic criminal law sanctions for deliberate murder is Qisas. And the impact of the crime of murder mutilation is very large, in addition to sadistic perpetrator in treating the bodies of the victims, but also causes damages to the family of the slain of the two sides, they lose those who earn a living, and his heart was sad at the loss of loved ones.
Keywords: Murder, Mutilation, Punishment, Islamic Criminal Law, National Criminal Law.
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